The focus areas contain legal insights into laws, other acts and general introductions to important issues - with an overview of the reference laws - as well as in-depth analysis of Parliamentary bills of interest in the current legislature.
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New perspectives in protection against bullying and cyberbullying
Bullying and cyberbullying are closely related manifestations that cause concern because of their escalation in recent years and the harm caused...
School and social inclusion of children and young people with disabilities
The right to education and the principle of equality are the pillars that guide the whole structure around which the legal framework of...
Risk prevention in schools and student safety protection
Being able to feel safe in any environment is a basic need that goes along with both the promotion of a culture of risk prevention and the implementation...
Harmonizing family and work time: a right and an opportunity for children
The legal study, starting with the analysis of the Directive of the European Parliament and the EU Council, 10 May 2023, no. 2023 /970 of...
Promoting and enhancing intergenerational relations
The first generational exchange projects originated in the United States in the late 1960s with the aim of exploiting the resources of the younger and older...
Participation of children and young people in the democratic life
The concept of participation has changed over time, undergoing a real evolution which makes it possible, today, to identify this practice with a...
Promoting the skills of young people to encourage their independence: a legal framework
As of 2014, the 15th of July has been recognised as World Youth Skills Day.
By doing so, the UN General...
The rights to play and social interaction of children and young people: a legal framework
Play and social interaction are also essential human rights, long recognised for every single child, boy and girl. At an...
The right to food and food security as fundamental rights of the children: a legal framework
One of the internationally guaranteed human rights is the right to food, acknowledged for the first time in Article 25...
International protection is a general form of asylum law and, like adults, children are also entitled to be covered by international protection systems.
The right to asylum – recognised by...
The integration of Roma, Sinti and Caminanti children: a legal framework
To date, there is no internationally agreed definition of which groups fall under the concept of minority. According to the Council of...
The inclusion of children and young people with autism spectrum disorders: a regulatory framework
Knowledge of autism spectrum disorders has significantly changed over the past two decades, particularly in terms...
Sports and gender discrimination. Beyond the stereotypes: the participation of girls
In Italy, sporting activity is regulated by the state and the regions in a residual manner, so that its management is...
The fight against female genital mutilation: a legal framework
The fight against genital mutilation for the protection of the health and psychophysical integrity of girls and young women: a...
Children and young people's right to education: a legal framework
The right to education is an undeniable human right to be placed within the framework of...
Protection of minors' rights in civil, administrative and family law proceedings: an in-depth overview of the law
It is hard to dispute that since the approval of the Convention on the Rights of Children and...
Preventing and combating violence against girls and young women: a legal framework
Violence against girls and young women is a wide-ranging and very complex problem. The dynamics, the developments, and the...
Fighting against poverty affecting children and their families: a legal framework
The problem of poverty and the social inequalities that it...
An overview of the draft laws currently being discussed in Parliament on sport in school
The right of children to engage in sporting activities is not specifically referred to in the Convention on the Rights of...
Advances and developments in participation and listening to children: a legal framework
Child participation in the society in which they live and in the decisions that affect them represents one of the most...
A survey of draft laws under discussion in Parliament on preventing and combating the abuse and mistreatment of children in the educational and school environment
Violence against children can take very...
Migrant children and adolescents, refugees, asylum seekers, both accompanied and unaccompanied: the rights and protections. A legal framework
Being a migrant, refugee or asylum-seeking child leads to the...
The cultural and educational sectors have been...
Care leavers are young people who, at the age of 18, no longer live with their family due to a decision taken by a judicial authority.
When we talk about care leavers and the...
Draft laws on bullying & cyberbullying
In recent years the phenomenon of bullying and cyberbullying has received increasing attention within the Italian legal system in the face of increasingly abusive...
The right to health as a priority for the present and the future: a legal framework
April 7 marks World Health Day, an annual international event that is celebrated to draw attention to a topic of concern to...
Paternity leave: a legal framework
Paternity leave is essential to promote a culture of shared childcare and parenthood and to foster full gender equality in the sharing of roles and the management of working...
Secure internet access. Protection against online abuse, exploitation and violence against children
Digital technologies are an integral part of children's lives, as instruments for communication and relationships...
Distance learning and integrated digital education in times of pandemic: main legal provisions and division of competences between State and Regions
The health emergency caused by Covid-19 has impacted the...
At an international level, initiatives to combat the exploitation of child labour are based first and foremost on the development of a series of conventional instruments that must be ratified by individual countries.
The first...