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A guide to accompany coaches and sports managers in their work to support the growth of children involved in sports activities.
The publication, entitled The Protection of the Rights of Children in Sport, was presented...
Dreams, challenges and difficulties of a migrant teenager alone in Italy. They are told in the podcast Storia di A., dreams and battles of a migrant child alone in Italy, broadcast on Rai Radio 3 at 7.50 pm and on RaiPlay Sound...
The position statement on climate justice adopted at the Network's General Assembly on 21 September is now online on the website of the European Network of Advocates for Children and Adolescents (ENOC). The position statement is a short...
The five guides produced by the ISMU Foundation in collaboration with the State Higher Education Institute Cine-tv Roberto Rossellini in the framework of the project Actions and governance tools for the qualification of the school...
On 6 October, in Rome, the presentation conference of the Eleventh "Indifesa" Dossier on the plight of girls and young women in Italy and in the world, organised by the non-profit organisation Terre des Hommes, will be held. An...
The National Guarantor for the Rights of Persons Detained or Deprived of Liberty, Mauro Palma, and the president of Unicef Italy, Carmela Pace, signed a three-year memorandum of understanding to promote children's rights,...
9.7% of students with a high school diploma in 2022 will find themselves in a situation of "implicit" dropping out, i.e. without the minimum skills necessary to enter the world of work or university, while 12.7% of under-18s do not even...
Girls all over the world lag behind boys in mathematical skills, and sexism and gender stereotypes are among the main contributing factors. This is revealed in the recent Unicef report Solving the Equation: Helping Girls and Boys...
On 14 September, in Bergamo, the event Dalla prevenzione alla cura: l’esperienza dell’Ambito territoriale di Bergamo nella lotta al maltrattamento infantile (From prevention to treatment: the experience of the Bergamo area in the fight...
For the first time, the number of students with non-Italian citizenship in Italian schools decreased from 877,000 in the 2019/2020 school year to 865,388 in the 2020/2021 school year (-1.3%). This is revealed in the Ministry of...
Much of the progress made in Lebanon towards achieving the fundamental rights of children – including the right to health, education, protection, play and recreation – has been eroded by the economic crisis and the impact of the COVID-...
On 10 August 2022, the National Observatory on the Family - re-established by Minister Elena Bonetti's decree of 24 January 2020 - approved the new National Plan for the Family, a strategic document that defines the...
On 12 July, the Minister for Equal Opportunities and the Family, Elena Bonetti, approved the Guidelines for the Participation of Girls and Boys by decree. The document, adopted by the National Observatory for Childhood...
97% of Afghan families are desperately trying to get enough food to feed their children. Nearly 80% of children reported having gone to bed hungry in the last thirty days, a probability that now involves twice as many girls as their...
The parent-child relationship, amid the rights and needs for protection: meetings in a protected environment is the new initiative promoted by the Ombudsperson for Children (Agia) to carry out a review of the most...
Ending the detention of asylum seekers, refugees and migrant children across Europe. UNCHR, UNICEF and IOM repeated this in a joint study reviewing the relevant policies of European countries.
An advocacy document from which the...
An estimated 10 million children were displaced by weather-related shocks in 2020 alone. Approximately one billion (almost half of the world's 2.2 billion children), in contrast, live in 33 countries considered to be at high risk due to...
The definition of guidelines to be applied uniformly throughout Italy for the removal of children with the assistance of the police following a court order or urgent referral. This is the objective of the working table promoted in...
During the Covid-19 pandemic, girls and boys all over India experienced anxiety disorders and problems sleeping due to high stress. This is revealed by the results of research conducted by Save the Children, which also show an increase...
Nearly three quarters of young people between the ages of 15 and 24 in 92 countries around the world fail to acquire the necessary skills to work. These are the findings of the report Recovering learning: Are children and youth on...
Restorative justice empowers those involved in a crime or conflict to actively participate in the resolution of the resulting issues. Among its various tools, the most widely used is criminal mediation, a confidential pathway that,...
The young people who took part in the Forum entitled Let's Talk Young, Let's Talk About Climate Justice, held in Bilbao, Spain, from 28 to 30 June, tackled a very topical issue, climate justice.
The Forum - the...
The 12th Update Report on the monitoring of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Italy, produced by the hundred associations of the Group with the coordination of Arianna Saulini, of Save the Children, is online on the...
The number of hungry people in the world is growing, rising to 828 million in 2021. The recent report The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022 – by five United Nations agencies (FAO,...
The publication Increasing achievement and motivation in mathematics and science learning in schools, a study by the Eurydice Network, is now online on the website of the National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and...
On 28 June, the Observatory for the Prevention of Health Damage from Regular and Irregular Child Labour was set up in Rome (UNICEF's national headquarters), with the presence, among others, of Carmela Pace, president of UNICEF Italy,...
On the 11th and 12th of June, the adolescents and young people of the Youth Advisory Board (YAB) met for the second time in Rome to discuss the ongoing processes with the institutions on the priority issues dictated by the...
The Single and Universal Allowance for Dependent Children is an economic benefit for families, paid by INPS on the basis of the Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator (ISEE) of the household, which simplifies and replaces many of the...
In our country, absolute poverty is stable and largely confirms the historical highs reached in 2020, the year the Covid-19 pandemic began. According to the definitive estimates of the National Institute of Statistics, collected in the...
The Report to Parliament 2021 by the Guarantor Authority for Childhood and Adolescence Carla Garlatti, available online on the website of the Authority, a key figure for the promotion and protection of children's rights...