Today, one in two children and more than one in three women live in countries characterised by forms of exclusion. The causes of this include poverty, conflict, climate change, forced migration and, for younger children, increased online risks. The WeWorld Index 2022, a study conducted by the non-profit organisation WeWorld in collaboration with ChildFund Alliance to measure women and children's level of inclusion in around 170 countries, highlights the profound inequalities that affect the living conditions of those most at risk of exclusion.
In this year's focus, the Index identifies five barriers that are a source of major threats to young children: poverty, conflict, forced migration, climate change and online risks. Finally, it explores how the effects of these barriers become intertwined, generating a combination that could jeopardise the future of an entire generation and those to come.
The deterioration in living conditions in relation to children mainly concerns the sphere of education. In terms of the status of women, the WeWorld Index 2022 shows a tentative improvement globally, but many critical issues remain: women are often still victims of discrimination and their participation in the labour market is not increasing.
The publication is available on the WeWorld website, in the Publications section.
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