World Book and Authors' Rights Day 2023

2023/04/21 Type of resource: Topics: Titles:
immagine di ragazza che legge un libro per evocare il tema della Giornata mondiale del libro e del diritto d’autore

Reading is a very important activity that should be nurtured and supported from an early age, because it stimulates the curiosity and imagination of young children and helps them develop skills and abilities.

Many initiatives organised by institutions and other bodies to mark World Book and Author's Rights Day, which is celebrated on 23 April, aim to promote reading among the younger generation in particular.

Among these are:

  • Maggio dei Libri ('May of Books'), a national Italian campaign calling on book lovers to organise initiatives inspired by the theme If You Read, You're Strong!, to emphasise "the importance of reading as an instrument of strength and awareness, capable of making one authentically free". Information is available on the dedicated website,;
  • the Cercatori di poesia nascosta ('Hidden Poetry Seekers') competition, aimed at primary and secondary school pupils, in Italy and abroad and, as of this year, also at institutions for juvenile offenders and schools in hospitals. The regulations – which have a deadline of 31 May 2023 – are published on the Centre for Books and Reading's website, in the dedicated news item;
  • the 2023 edition of the General Assembly of Reading Agreements, organised by Cepell (Centro per il libro e la lettura), which will take place in Trapani on 12 and 13 May, the full programme of which is available on the dedicated page.

The rich programme for schools at the Turin International Book Fair, available on the event's website, is also worth a mention: some 180 events and workshops will give children and young people the opportunity to engage with the authors.

To further explore the theme of the day, we suggest the following study materials selected by the Biblioteca Innocenti Library A.C. Moro, which are useful for all those who deal with childhood and adolescence in one capacity or another (institutional representatives, teachers, educators, social workers, university students, etc.):
•    bibliographic research on books for children and young people (a selection of texts that can be used by those who work with children and young people to address various topics, such as children's rights, gender issues, bullying, etc.);
•    bibliographic research on books that discuss literature for children and young people;
•    bibliographic research on reading-related education and the promotion of reading;
•    bibliography curated by the Library for the National Day for the Promotion of Reading on 24 March 2023, available on the Library's website under "Bibliographies".

Other materials and news can be found on this site under the themes Education and Cultural and Recreational Activities, which can be accessed from the "Topics" navigation menu.