Today, 25 November, is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, an important occasion to reflect on the need for urgent action, aimed at prevention and education of the new generations. Many initiatives organised in our country by institutions, associations and other bodies on the occasion of the anniversary are aimed at young people, with the aim of involving children, adolescents and students. Here are a few of them.
The Ministry of Education and Merit has been lit up in red since yesterday, to represent its adherence to the anniversary established by the General Assembly of the United Nations. Today, at the entrance to the Ministry, the red bow, symbol of the Day, will be distributed, with an attached written message from Minister Giuseppe Valditara; also in the morning, the female students of the Istituto Superiore Statale Cine-TV "Roberto Rossellini" in Rome will take part in a flash-mob to remember all victims of femicide in 2022.
UNICEF Italy presented the results of a survey on violence against women and girls, aimed at young people between 14 and 30 years of age enrolled in the independent digital platform U-Report Italia. Of those who responded, 75% said they had heard of violence against women and girls and thought the phenomenon was a problem among their peers; in the case of violence, 65% believed it was more useful to ask for specialist support, 10% thought it was more appropriate to confide in family members and/or adults, and 7% thought it was more useful to ignore the problem. If a friend confided that she had suffered violence, 24% would accompany her to make a complaint, 11% would advise her to talk to a trusted adult, 7% would tell her that she is not alone, 5% would advise her to go to a psychologist, 4% would tell her that it is not her fault, 1% would advise her to go to a doctor, 47% would give her all the previous advice; 95% would also agree or very much agree that education for gender equality and the prevention of gender-based violence should be included in the civic education teaching in schools.
Among the events organised by the Lombardy Region, the event scheduled in Milan (Auditorium Testori, Piazza Città di Lombardia 1), which will involve pupils from the region's hub schools who have carried out projects to raise awareness on the issue of violence against women. The programme is available on the Non sei da sola (You are not alone) portal, on the dedicated page.
The Municipality of Pavia promotes various initiatives, including a morning of reflection on violence against women aimed at secondary school students, which will take place in the Cinema Teatro Politeama of the city (Corso Camillo Benso Cavour 20). The students will be attending the Amorosi Assassini theatre show. Facciamo finta di niente dai... (Let's pretend nothing...), by and with Valeria Perdonò, and, later, they will participate in a debate that will see the involvement of the actors and professionals of the LiberaMente anti-violence centre. The programme of all the events is published on the Municipality's website, in the dedicated news section.
Students against violence against women. Azioni di prevenzione e contrasto della rete territoriale (Preventive and law enforcement actions of the territorial network) is the event organised by the Municipality of Ferrara that will be held in the Hall of the City Council (Piazza del Municipio 2). During the event, secondary school students from Ferrara will illustrate the work on the phenomenon of violence carried out in the classroom. The programme is online on the Municipality's website, in the dedicated news section.
To further explore the theme of prevention and education of the new generations, the Scosse website (www.scosse.org), a social promotion association that carries out projects to spread awareness of respect for differences and the deconstruction of stereotypes from a very early age.
As further insights, we propose the regulatory framework on the prevention and combating of violence against girls and young women created by the National Centre for Documentation and Analysis for Children and Adolescents and the online resource repertoire on the subject created by the Biblioteca Innocenti Library A.C. Moro, which contains a selection of open access bibliographic resources, a sitography and the main legislation on the subject: VRD Violenza sulle donne (Violence against women).
Other materials and news can be found on this site under the Gender violence topic, which can be reached from the "Topics" navigation menu.