In this section you can search for the website contents concerning the family environment of children, also including aspects related to foreign families.
The section also includes information on the policies for the support to parenting and families, family law and more specific topics such as separation, divorce and domestic violence.
Also gender-related topics have been included, such as gender policies and gender-based violence.
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The best interests of children: the protection of rights in civil, administrative, and family proceedings
Do the best interests of children always take precedence, even in cross-border disputes?
...The Childhood and Adolescence Legal Review is an interactive quarterly collection of legal information on topics related to children and teenagers.
The purpose of this legal analysis is to facilitate...
Issue 3/22 of the quarterly journal Rassegna bibliografica infanzia e adolescenza is a dynamic pdf, with internal hyperlinks and links to the web, indicated by dedicated symbols.
The journal offers a selection...
The new National Plan for the Family is a strategic document that defines the priorities, objectives, and actions to be promoted for the improved organisation of family policies in our country.
Approved on 10...
On 6 October, in Rome, the presentation conference of the Eleventh "Indifesa" Dossier on the plight of girls and young women in Italy and in the world, organised by the non-profit organisation Terre des Hommes, will be held. An...
On 14 September, in Bergamo, the event Dalla prevenzione alla cura: l’esperienza dell’Ambito territoriale di Bergamo nella lotta al maltrattamento infantile (From prevention to treatment: the experience of the Bergamo area in the fight...
On 10 August 2022, the National Observatory on the Family - re-established by Minister Elena Bonetti's decree of 24 January 2020 - approved the new National Plan for the Family, a strategic document that defines the...
The parent-child relationship, amid the rights and needs for protection: meetings in a protected environment is the new initiative promoted by the Ombudsperson for Children (Agia) to carry out a review of the most...
Declaration of the adoptability of a child by a domestic court on the grounds that the mother was unable to exercise her parental responsibilities.
In specialised courts, composed of professional and non-...
Monthly list of new bibliographic acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed with the Th.I.A. -...
Monthly list of new legal acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed with the Th.I.A. - Italian...
Monthly list of new bibliographic acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed with the Th.I.A. -...
Monthly list of new legal acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed with the Th.I.A. - Italian...
The Childhood and Adolescence Legal Review is an interactive quarterly collection of legal information on topics related to children and teenagers.
The purpose of this legal analysis is to facilitate...
Issue 2/22 of the quarterly journal Rassegna bibliografica infanzia e adolescenza is a dynamic pdf, with internal hyperlinks and links to the web, indicated by dedicated symbols.
The journal offers a selection...
The Single and Universal Allowance for Dependent Children is an economic benefit for families, paid by INPS on the basis of the Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator (ISEE) of the household, which simplifies and replaces many of the...
On 14 June, Rome (Centro Congressi Auditorium della Tecnica, viale Umberto Tupini 65) will host the event Nurseries and Early Childhood Education Services in Italy: the picture of supply and the effect of the pandemic, organised...
Monthly list of new bibliographic acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed with the Th.I.A. -...
Monthly list of new legal acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed with the Th.I.A. - Italian...
In the first half of 2021, only a little more than one permanent job position in ten was held by women. In 2020 alone, more than 30,000 mothers resigned, often for family reasons, but also because they were not supported by local social...
The family plays a fundamental role in society and is a vital resource not only for the people who are part of it but for the whole community. The International Day of Families is celebrated on 15 May. This was established in 1993 by...
Monthly list of new bibliographic acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed with the Th.I.A. -...
Monthly list of new legal acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed with the Th.I.A. - Italian Thesaurus...
The mother plays a fundamental role in a child's development, which does not become less important in adult life. The maternal figure has undergone considerable evolution over time, adapting to the continuous changes in increasingly...
The Childhood and Adolescence Legal Review is an interactive quarterly collection of legal information on topics related to children and teenagers.
The purpose of this legal analysis is to facilitate...
Monthly list of new bibliographic acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed with the Th.I.A. -...
Monthly list of new legal acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed with the Th.I.A. - Italian Thesaurus...
Monthly list of new bibliographic acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed with the Th.I.A. - Italian...
Monthly list of new legal acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed with the Th.I.A. - Italian...
Monthly list of new bibliographic acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed with the Th.I.A. - Italian...