In this section, it’s possible to search the website content concerning the context of social, cultural, economic and demographic life of childhood and adolescence, including the condition of foreign children, who live far away from their original countries, whether with their families, or unaccompanied.
You can search topics concerning the different situations related to the condition of children and adolescents (for example school poverty), to the way children and adolescents relate to the contexts they live in, to how society perceives and represents them.
We’ve also included sociological topics and more general topics, such as, for example, immigration, racial discrimination and organized crime.
In this section, you can search for the website contents concerning the social, cultural, economic and demographic context of children, including the condition of foreign children, who live far away from their countries of origin, whether with their families, or unaccompanied.
You can search among topics concerning the different situations related to the status of children (educational poverty, for example), the way children relate with the contexts they live in, and how society perceives and represents them.
Also sociological topics and more general topics have been included, such as immigration, racial discrimination and organized crime.
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Issue 3-4/18 of the quarterly journal Rassegna bibliografica infanzia e adolescenza is a dynamic pdf, with internal hyperlinks and links to the web, indicated by dedicated symbols.
The journal offers a selection of recent...
The theme of educational poverty is at the heart of the in-depth thematic path of the Rassegna bibliografica supplement 2/2018. Experts from Save the Children, Antonella Inverno and Arianna Saulini, highlight how more than 26 million...
Issue 2/18 of the quarterly journal Rassegna bibliografica infanzia e adolescenza is a dynamic pdf, with internal hyperlinks and links to the web, indicated by dedicated symbols.
The journal offers a selection of recent...
Births in our country continue to decline: in 2018 there were 449,000 births, 9,000 less than the previous lowest recorded in 2017. This is a finding in Istat's Demographic Indicators report, which contains estimates for the...
The Children and Adolescents version of the Report of the Italian Government to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (reference period 2008-2016) is produced by Istituto degli Innocenti of Florence as part of the activities...
Issue 1/18 of the quarterly journal Rassegna bibliografica infanzia e adolescenza is a dynamic pdf, with internal hyperlinks and links to the web, indicated by dedicated symbols.
The journal offers a selection of...
Adolescents as a problem, adolescents as a resource is the title of the reading path created by Patrizia Meringolo, Professor of Group and Community Psychology at the University of Florence. With a community psychology perspective, the...
The 2012-2015 Report is divided into five chapters. The first focuses on various issues: the birth rate, changes and the crisis of family relationships, poverty and social exclusion among children and families, children with...
The new supplement to Rassegna bibliografica addresses the issue of poverty and social exclusion of children and young people. Enrico Moretti, a statistician at Istituto degli Innocenti, examines the most recent studies, including those...
The new version of the quarterly journal Rassegna bibliografica infanzia e adolescenza is more interactive than the previous edition. It has a new graphic design and a dynamic pdf file that is easy to navigate, with internal hyperlinks...
Among young people who have taken advantage of a service provided by the Youth Guarantee Program, one-third found a job at one month from completion, 40 percent at three months and 43 percent at six months.
This is...
The 2015 single issue of the magazine Cittadini in crescita opens with a focus on the relationships of friendship and affection that arise between children and adolescents.
The contributions of the In-depth section focus...
Notebook 60 of the National Centre publishes the Final Report of the second year (2014-2015) of the National Project for the inclusion and integration of Roma, Sinti and Caminanti children. An initiative promoted by the...
Il numero 3/2014 della rivista Cittadini in crescita è dedicato alla presentazione di alcune metodologie didattiche finalizzate a promuovere nella scuola un apprendimento partecipato e inclusivo di tutti i bambini.
I contributi...
Il numero 2/2014 della rivista Cittadini in crescita dà spazio agli interventi educativi rivolti ai bambini più piccoli.
La sezione Approfondimenti presenta sei contributi: il primo propone un'analisi sull'importanza di...
Il nuovo numero della Rassegna bibliografica propone molte e importanti pubblicazioni di recente acquisite dalla Biblioteca Innocenti Library sulle tematiche attinenti all’infanzia e all’adolescenza.
Tra le Segnalazioni...
Il numero 1/2014 della rivista Cittadini in crescita si apre con un focus sugli organismi di tutela e promozione dei diritti dei bambini e degli adolescenti, che riporta contributi dedicati all'Osservatorio nazionale per l'...
Questo nuovo numero della Rassegna bibliografica online offre molteplici spunti di riflessione attraverso la presentazione di alcune interessanti pubblicazioni di recente acquisite dalla Biblioteca Innocenti Library sulle...
Il numero unico 2013 della rivista Cittadini in crescita si sofferma, in particolare, su un tema di grande attualità: le tecnologie digitali e le ricadute del loro utilizzo nella vita di bambini e adolescenti e nei rapporti...
È disponibile online il nuovo numero della Rassegna bibliografica 2/2014 che presenta numerose e importanti pubblicazioni sulle tematiche attinenti all’infanzia e all’adolescenza di recente acquisite dalla Biblioteca...
Adolescence and lifestyles are the themes of the online supplement to Rassegna bibliografica 1/2014. Elena Marta, Lecturer in Social Psychology and Community Psychology, and Sara Alfieri, Research Fellow in...
Notebook 57 of the National Centre publishes the Final Report of the first year (2013-2014) of the National Project for the inclusion and integration of Roma, Sinti and Caminanti children, promoted by the Ministry of Labour and Social...
Tables prepared by the National Center as of October 2015
Il nuovo numero della Rassegna bibliografica 1/2014 presenta, come di consueto, numerose e importanti pubblicazioni sulle tematiche attinenti all’infanzia e all’adolescenza di recente acquisite dalla Biblioteca...
The new supplement to Rassegna bibliografica 2/2013 is dedicated to the reflection on the inclusion policies of Roma and Sinti children and young people in Italy. With a careful look at the existing literature...
The title of the conference - organised by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, in Bari from 27 to 28 March 2014 - Investing in childhood, recalls the importance of investing in children in terms of...
The drafting of the biennial report responds to Italy's obligation to monitor the living conditions of children and adolescents and the implementation of their rights, in accordance with the 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child...
Il numero 3/2012 di Cittadini in crescita è centrato su alcuni temi relativi alla tutela del bambino e adolescente e al sostegno e promozione dei legami familiari. I primi contributi della sezione Approfondimenti hanno per...
La rivista è articolata in diverse sezioni, dedicate agli approfondimenti, alle interviste, ai progetti promossi da istituzioni, associazioni e altre realtà, alle politiche...
Tables prepared by the National Center as of October 2013