Among young people who have taken advantage of a service provided by the Youth Guarantee Program, one-third found a job at one month from completion, 40 percent at three months and 43 percent at six months.
This is according to Isfol's Rapporto sulla Garanzia Giovani in Italia [Report on Youth Guarantee in Italy], an analysis of the first two years of the initiative launched on May 1, 2014.
The program aims to increase the employability of the Neet age group (15-29-year-olds who are Not Engaged in Education, Employment or Training) and provides various services, including guidance, internships, support for self-entrepreneurship and training.
In reference to the internship, the most widely used service, about 36.6 percent of those who had completed it by March 31, 2016, became employed as of April 30, 2016. In one out of five cases, the employer benefited from an employment bonus provided by the program.
Young people's expectations are strongly oriented toward finding employment, as opposed to attending a training course: 74.9 percent of registered young people expect to find employment through the program, and 16.5 percent require assistance in finding employment. Out of 10 registered youth, about half had no previous contact with employment services.
According to the data provided by the report, the capacity of services to include registered users has increased over time: in fact, it has gone from a coverage ratio well below 50 percent in 2014 to 73.7 percent in March 2016. (bg)