In this section, it’s possible to search the website content concerning the context of social, cultural, economic and demographic life of childhood and adolescence, including the condition of foreign children, who live far away from their original countries, whether with their families, or unaccompanied.
You can search topics concerning the different situations related to the condition of children and adolescents (for example school poverty), to the way children and adolescents relate to the contexts they live in, to how society perceives and represents them.
We’ve also included sociological topics and more general topics, such as, for example, immigration, racial discrimination and organized crime.
In this section, you can search for the website contents concerning the social, cultural, economic and demographic context of children, including the condition of foreign children, who live far away from their countries of origin, whether with their families, or unaccompanied.
You can search among topics concerning the different situations related to the status of children (educational poverty, for example), the way children relate with the contexts they live in, and how society perceives and represents them.
Also sociological topics and more general topics have been included, such as immigration, racial discrimination and organized crime.
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Children's well-being index 2023. The summary indicator on the well-being of girls and boys, in Italy, by territorial breakdown, in regions, aims to promote reflection and verification of the state of the art on...
Monthly list of new bibliographic acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed with the Th....
Monthly list of new legal acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are...
Monthly list of new bibliographic acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed with the Th.I.A. - Italian...
Monthly list of new legal acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are...
Issue 4/23 of the quarterly journal Rassegna bibliografica infanzia e adolescenza is a dynamic pdf, with internal hyperlinks and links to the web, indicated by dedicated symbols....
Monthly list of new bibliographic acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood...
Monthly list of new legal acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are...
The Childhood and Adolescence Legal Review is an interactive quarterly collection of legal information on topics related to children and teenagers.
The purpose of this legal analysis is to...
The right to family unity and foreign children
What interests must be evaluated to protect family life?
The historical issue that gave rise to the Supreme Court's ruling examined in this work is...
The supplement to number 2/2023 of the Bibliographical Review consists of a reading list entitled Good Birth: a multidimensional concept. Reflections, policies and practices...
Monthly list of new bibliographic acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and...
Monthly list of new legal acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed...
Monthly list of new bibliographic acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and...
Monthly list of new legal acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed...
The Childhood and Adolescence Legal Review is an interactive quarterly collection of legal information on topics related to children and teenagers.
The purpose of this legal analysis is to...
Monthly list of new bibliographic acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood...
Monthly list of new legal acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are...
Promoting and enhancing intergenerational relations
The first generational exchange projects originated in the United States in the late 1960s with the aim of exploiting the resources of the younger and older...
Issue 3/23 of the quarterly journal Rassegna bibliografica infanzia e adolescenza is a dynamic pdf, with internal hyperlinks and links to the web, indicated by dedicated symbols....
Promoting the skills of young people to encourage their independence: a legal framework
As of 2014, the 15th of July has been recognised as World Youth Skills Day.
By doing so, the UN General...
The National Office against Racial Discrimination (Unar), the Unicef Office for Europe and Central Asia in Italy and the Italian Committee for Unicef have signed a three-year memorandum of understanding to promote an inclusive culture...
The Childhood and Adolescence Legal Review is an interactive quarterly collection of legal information on topics related to children and teenagers.
The purpose of this legal analysis is to...
Issue 2/23 of the quarterly journal Rassegna bibliografica infanzia e adolescenza is a dynamic pdf, with internal hyperlinks and links to the web, indicated by dedicated symbols....
International protection is a general form of asylum law and, like adults, children are also entitled to be covered by international protection systems.
The right to asylum – recognised by...
Monthly list of new bibliographic acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and...
Monthly list of new legal acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed with...
Monthly list of new bibliographic acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence...
Monthly list of new legal acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed with the Th...
Monthly list of new bibliographic acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and...