In this section you can find contents concerning children who experience or have experienced conditions of difficulty, marginalization and violence and are therefore more likely to experience a problematic development. These complex situations often give rise to even greater discomfort and social marginalization, to aggressiveness towards peers and adults, to a spiral of violence generating more violence, and to bullying. Children experiencing such situations often end up in the juvenile justice system, as either child offenders or victims.
In this section you can search for different types of materials, starting from those representing the legal foundations on this topic and concerning the juvenile penitentiary system, the conditions of children in detention and children of detained parents, as well as the topic of juvenile justice from a more general perspective.
You can also find contents concerning the complex topics of drug, alcohol and gambling addictions and child labour.
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Trafficking in human beings has similar characteristics all over the world: migrants, recruited in their countries of origin with the promise of better living conditions in the European Union, often become victims of various forms of...
New perspectives in protection against bullying and cyberbullying
Bullying and cyberbullying are closely related manifestations that cause concern because of their escalation in recent years and the harm caused...
The national survey entitled Il lavoro regolare minorile tra formazione e sicurezza [Regular child labour between training and safety], carried out by the Childhood and Adolescence Supervisory Authority as part of the Fase...
The Frontier of Rights is Unicef's new report on under-18 migrants and refugees, an overview of unaccompanied foreign minors in Italy and the main landing and transit sites where the organization is active, from the southern to...
The Guide for children and youngsters, Girls and Boys alike, to the National Plan for Preventing and Combating Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Minors (2022-2023), produced by the Department for Family Policies of the...
Called Empowering the Next Generation, the programme promoted by Unicef and the AVSI Foundation to guarantee opportunities for learning, inclusion, psychosocial well-being and protection to 600 Ukrainian children and...
In our country, four out of ten children who take part in sport are victims of violence in the sporting context.
Children and young people suffer psychological violence (30%), physical violence (19%), neglect (15%) and sexual...
In 2022, there were 69,601 workers aged between 15 and 17 in our country, up from 51,845 in 2021.
This was revealed in the report Child labour in Italy: risks, accidents and safety in the workplace, published on 12 June...
In many countries stricken by war, funding for the protection of children in armed conflicts does not keep up with the growing number of families and children at risk.
The Save the Children report Unprotected: An Analysis of...
Child labour involves various types of exploitation and abuse, often caused by conditions of extreme poverty, lack of schooling opportunities, and economic...
International protection is a general form of asylum law and, like adults, children are also entitled to be covered by international protection systems.
The right to asylum – recognised by...
To mark the National Day against Paedophilia and Child Pornography on 5 May, introduced by Italian law 41/2009 to focus attention on an often-hidden phenomenon affecting many children and young people, with very serious consequences on...
Save the Children's new survey It's not a game is dedicated to child labour in Italy. The research shines the spotlight on a global phenomenon that also affects our country, in a widespread way but still largely undetected and unseen,...
Informing and raising awareness about online bullying, underlining the support of institutions to victims and the commitment of public administrations to combat the phenomenon to ensure greater online safety of children and young people...
The Report to Parliament on the coordinated activity referred to in article 17, paragraph 1, of Italian Law no. 269 of 3 August 1998 (Regulations against the exploitation of prostitution, pornography and sex tourism to the...
As of 31 December 2021, the number of unaccompanied foreign children and adolescents increased by 73%, while the number of voluntary guardians registered in the Juvenile Court lists remained substantially stable (-0.35...
National Plan for the Prevention and Combating of Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of children
This National Plan, which is the second adopted since the law was enacted, is the result of a broadly...
Preventing and combating violence against girls and young women: a legal framework
Violence against girls and young women is a wide-ranging and very complex problem. The dynamics, the developments, and the...
18 November marks the European Day for the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, established by the Council of Europe (CoE) in 2015. This is an important opportunity to reflect on a phenomenon that has a...
Children in Latin America and the Caribbean are at risk of violence at home, at school and on the streets from the age of one year.
According to the recent UNICEF report, A Statistical Profile of Violence Against Children in...
Due to the war in Ukraine and rising inflation, the number of children living in poverty in Eastern Europe and Central Asia has increased by 19% since 2021 (an increase of 4 million).
According to the new UNICEF study, The...
Dreams, challenges and difficulties of a migrant teenager alone in Italy. They are told in the podcast Storia di A., dreams and battles of a migrant child alone in Italy, broadcast on Rai Radio 3 at 7.50 pm and on RaiPlay Sound...
The National Guarantor for the Rights of Persons Detained or Deprived of Liberty, Mauro Palma, and the president of Unicef Italy, Carmela Pace, signed a three-year memorandum of understanding to promote children's rights,...
97% of Afghan families are desperately trying to get enough food to feed their children. Nearly 80% of children reported having gone to bed hungry in the last thirty days, a probability that now involves twice as many girls as their...
Ending the detention of asylum seekers, refugees and migrant children across Europe. UNCHR, UNICEF and IOM repeated this in a joint study reviewing the relevant policies of European countries.
An advocacy document from which the...
Restorative justice empowers those involved in a crime or conflict to actively participate in the resolution of the resulting issues. Among its various tools, the most widely used is criminal mediation, a confidential pathway that,...
On 28 June, the Observatory for the Prevention of Health Damage from Regular and Irregular Child Labour was set up in Rome (UNICEF's national headquarters), with the presence, among others, of Carmela Pace, president of UNICEF Italy,...
A survey of draft laws under discussion in Parliament on preventing and combating the abuse and mistreatment of children in the educational and school environment
Violence against children can take very...
Among refugees worldwide, there are many children and adolescents compelled to flee wars, persecution and human rights violations. Children and adolescents are more vulnerable because they are often alone, without parents or other...
Migrant children and adolescents, refugees, asylum seekers, both accompanied and unaccompanied: the rights and protections. A legal framework
Being a migrant, refugee or asylum-seeking child leads to the...