The work carried out for the national projects is linked to institutional capacity building actions, i.e. the strengthening of structures, systems, knowledge and human resources necessary for the implementation of laws, innovation processes or the creation of new policy governance structures. The implemented actions are, indeed, aimed at activating processes through which administrations, bodies and operators acquire, strengthen and maintain the capacity to intervene in the field or to implement programmes or policies over time.
The work in this field combines research and action activities, with training, consultancy and technical-organizational support.
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Care Leavers experiment Report - second year, January 2022
The aim of the Care Leavers project is to support young adults who have been placed in the community or in foster care towards self-...
This publication has been produced by Istituto degli Innocenti of Florence within the framework of the activities envisaged by the Collaboration Agreement with the Directorate General for the Fight against Poverty and for Social...
The GET UP project, short for Giovani Esperienze Trasformative di Utilità Sociale e Partecipazione (Transformative Experiences of Social Benefit and Participation for Young People), was launched by the...
The Subsidiary for operators and families is in continuity with the Guidelines for Foster Care, approved by the United Conference (of government, regions and autonomous provinces) on 25 October...
The Guidelines for family foster care are part of the national project 'Un percorso nell'affido (A path in foster care),' launched in 2008 by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies in collaboration...
The national project "A path in foster care" was launched in 2008 by the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Policy with the aim of relaunching the institution of family foster care and promoting knowledge and...
This booklet introduces the national project "A path in foster care," resulting from the collaboration between the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Policies and the National Coordination of Foster Care Services (...
Information brochure of the national project for the promotion and support of foster care "A path in foster care", resulting from the collaboration between the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Policies and the...