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Aimed at adolescents between the ages of 16 and 18, I'm Listening, the new national online public consultation launched by the Italian Ombudsperson for children (AGIA) to understand how the quality of life of adolescents has...
It's called How are you? the thirteenth edition of the Atlas of Childhood at Risk by Save the Children, a snapshot of the living conditions of children and young people in our country, from which the strong impact of socio-...
During the Covid-19 pandemic, girls and boys all over India experienced anxiety disorders and problems sleeping due to high stress. This is revealed by the results of research conducted by Save the Children, which also show an increase...
The Covid-19 pandemic also had a strong impact on people's cultural lives. This is demonstrated by the reduction in the number of visitors to museums highlighted by the data of the Observatory #Conibambini, published on the website of...
During the pandemic, there was an increase in the number of neuropsychological disorders among children and young people. This was a real "mental health emergency", and could be measured by the increase in requests for help in this area...
The cultural and educational sectors have been...
The initial data from the survey "Children and young people: behaviour, attitudes, and future projects", carried out in 2021 by the National Institute of Statistics with the support of the Ministry of Education, are available...
Are children really learning? (Are children really learning?) is the new report by Unicef that explores the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the related school closures on children in 32 low- and middle-income countries...
The report The effect of the pandemic on childhood education services in Italy, prepared by a research group of the National Institute of Statistics and the Governance & Social Innovation Centre of the Ca...
The publication The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on birth rates and the condition of new generations, the second report of the Expert Group "Demography and Covid-19," established in April 2020 by Minister for Equal...
The closure of schools due to the pandemic had a huge impact on children's learning, but also on their mental health and other aspects of their lives. The recent report The state of the global education crisis - produced...
Distance learning and integrated digital education in times of pandemic: main legal provisions and division of competences between State and Regions
The health emergency caused by Covid-19 has impacted the...