Pandemic and adolescent mental health, AGIA online consultation

2023/06/07 Type of resource: Topics: Titles:
locandina di Io Ascolto consultazione pubblica nazionale online lanciata dall’Autorità garante per l’infanzia e l’adolescenza e rivolta agli adolescenti fra i 16 e i 18 anni

Aimed at adolescents between the ages of 16 and 18, I'm Listening, the new national online public consultation launched by the Italian Ombudsperson for children (AGIA) to understand how the quality of life of adolescents has changed as a result of their experiences during the pandemic.

The survey questions, available at, invite young people to express their feelings, how they experienced the period of the pandemic, what they missed and what they need in order to feel better, also from the perspective of preventing any psychological discomfort.

The Authority will use the responses of the participants to formulate proposals to the government and institutions aimed at improving young people's quality of life.

The consultation is carried out by the Italian Ombudsperson for children (AGIA) as part of a research programme on the mental health of children, carried out in cooperation with the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and which is currently ongoing.

The questionnaire, distributed in Italian schools by the Ministry of Education and Merit, is completely anonymous.

Other materials and news can be found on this site under the topic Mental health and Children and Covid-19, accessible from the "Topics" navigation menu.