In this section some publications by the National Centre are collected, that are useful to support the analysis and understanding of the Convention as a whole and in its different aspects and topics.
Children’s rights: thematic path (2018)
A companion publication to the Bibliographical Review of Childhood and Adolescence, No 3-4/2018. By analysing a number of books and films, Roberta Bosisio (Reading path) and Lucia Cini (Filmography path) offer an insight into the current cultural debate on children’s rights. 30 years after the signing of the international Convention on the Rights of the Child, the question arises as to the ‘“knots to be unravelled”, any mistakes made, failures, weaknesses and strengths of the approach taken to date to achieve the objectives’.
Children’s rights: reading path (2007)
The reading path, curated by Roberta Ruggiero, is divided into four parts that focus respectively on: the historical evolution of children’s and adolescents’ rights; the analysis of the main approaches to children’s rights; the position of sociology in relation to children and adolescents, with brief references to research carried out with the participation of children and adolescents; and the issue of recognising children and adolescents as having the same rights as adult citizens.
In the magazine Cittadini in Crescita, you can read the following articles on the General Comments adopted by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, which traditionally have the function of providing an authoritative interpretation because they come from a UN body. They set out the way in which the signatory States are called upon to interpret, and therefore apply, some specific provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
- Tessa Onida, Il Commento generale n. 14 del Comitato ONU sui diritti del fanciullo sul diritto dei bambini e delle bambine ad avere i loro migliori interessi presi in considerazione primaria (art. 3, comma 1), nuova serie, unico 2013, pp. 49-58.
- Tessa Onida, I Commenti generali 15, 16 e 17 del marzo 2013 del Comitato Onu sui diritti del fanciullo, n. 3/2012, p. 88-93.
- Roberta Ruggiero, Partecipazione, non solo protezione. Sintesi critica del General comment no.12 sulla CRC del 1989, n. 2/2010, p. 69-76.