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On 20 and 21 April, the final conference of the third preparatory phase of the European Guarantee System for Vulnerable Children (Child Guarantee), a European Commission initiative aimed at promoting equal...
On 6 October, in Rome, the presentation conference of the Eleventh "Indifesa" Dossier on the plight of girls and young women in Italy and in the world, organised by the non-profit organisation Terre des Hommes, will be held. An...
On 14 September, in Bergamo, the event Dalla prevenzione alla cura: l’esperienza dell’Ambito territoriale di Bergamo nella lotta al maltrattamento infantile (From prevention to treatment: the experience of the Bergamo area in the fight...
On 14 June, Rome (Centro Congressi Auditorium della Tecnica, viale Umberto Tupini 65) will host the event Nurseries and Early Childhood Education Services in Italy: the picture of supply and the effect of the pandemic, organised...
The national conference entitled Educazione Zerosei, took place on 18 January at the Istituto degli Innocenti in Florence. Rights, quality and accessibility in the integrated system, organised by the historic Florentine...
The Conference, entitled Più forte la famiglia più forte il Paese (Stronger the family, stronger the country), was held in Rome on 28 and 29 September 2017, organised by the Department for Family Policies of the Presidency of the...
The title of the conference - organised by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, in Bari from 27 to 28 March 2014 - Investing in childhood, recalls the importance of investing in children in terms of...
Children’s futures lie in the present: this is the title of the National Conference on Childhood and Adolescence held in Naples from 18 to 20 November 2009.
Organised by the Ministry of Labour, Health...
The 2009-2011 National Action Plan was elaborated on the basis of the programmes and guidelines drawn up by the working groups of the National Observatory on Childhood and Adolescence during the meetings held from October 2007 to...
The National Conference on Childhood and Adolescence was held on 21 and 22 November 2005 in Florence, organised by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and the National Centre for Documentation and Analysis on Childhood and...
The electronic publication was distributed as a companion to the magazine ‘Cittadini in crescita’ 2/2003. It contains the minutes of the second National Conference on Childhood, held in Collodi in November 2002, and was put together by...
The publication reports the speeches held at the international seminar Filling the knowledge gaps. A research agenda on the impact of armed conflict on children, (Florence, 2-4 July 2001).
The seminar was organized by...
The first National Conference on Childhood and Adolescence, as stipulated by Law 285 of 1997, was held in Florence on 19, 20 and 21 November 1998. It was organised by the Department for Social Affairs with the National Centre for...