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The role of the educator in communities for minors is the theme of the Rassegna bibliografica 3/2011 written by Monica Pedrazza, Associate Professor of Social Psychology at the University of Verona. The contribution...
As regards the legal field, beside the articles Le punizioni corporali nel diritto internazionale (Corporal punishment in international law) by Paolo De Stefani – with the fact sheet by Tessa Onida summarizing relevant...
The Childhood and Adolescence Classification Scheme is designed to perform mainly a function of physical placement of documents on shelves, based on simple principles that do not require particular classification skills ("mark...
The editorial of this issue, titled Una comunità che educa (An educating community), was written by Pierpaolo Triani, Associate Professor of General Didactics at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Piacenza and...
Some of the topics addressed in the third issue of 2010 are a survey on adoptive families, the indicators of child well-being and the National Plan for Children and Adolescents.
The first analysis article, by Maria Teresa...
The second issue of 2010, which is not monographic, contains interviews and analysis articles on current aspects concerning childhood and adolescence, as well as reports of projects and initiatives currently underway in Italy.
Cittadini in crescita restarts with a new series and a new quarterly frequency. This first issue does not have a monographic character but offers a varied summary, with speeches and interviews, in-depth analysis on current...
Children’s futures lie in the present: this is the title of the National Conference on Childhood and Adolescence held in Naples from 18 to 20 November 2009.
Organised by the Ministry of Labour, Health...
The 2008-2009 Two-year report on the condition of children and adolescents in Italy collects the contributions of the various working groups of the National Observatory on Childhood and Adolescence. Being divided on a thematic...
The Third and fourth reports of the Italian Government on the condition of childhood and adolescence in Italy were sent to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child in the original English version on 22 January 2009. The Italian...
The Italian Thesaurus on Childhood and Adolescence (Th.I.A.) includes in a verified vocabulary all the terms used in the subject-matter of every type of document acquired by the Centre (bibliographic, legal, statistical and...
Europa has grown. The traditional 15 Member States were joined in 2004 by 10 countries of the Eastern Bloc and on 1 January 2007 by Bulgaria and Romania. But how do families and, above all, children and adolescents live in the EU...
After years of steady decline, the birth rate is rising again in Italy. It is increasing especially in the north and a little less in the center of the country. The demographic decline seems to have temporarily stopped and according to...
Il bullismo in ambito scolastico è un tema di grande attualità, ampiamente dibattuto sui media, oggetto di studi e ricerche. Il numero 1/2007 di Cittadini in crescita si sofferma su questo argomento, tracciando un quadro del fenomeno...
The survey, which involved approximately 24,000 families, 29.2% of which with under-age children, comes a few years after the previous statistical study, which had focused for the first time on aspects concerning in particular minors....
The two-year report on the condition of children and adolescents in Italy was drawn up following the indications given by the National Observatory on Childhood and Adolescence in January 2004. Therefore, attention was paid not only to...
Al centro dell'analisi di questo volume è la figura del Garante per l'infanzia. L'Italia è uno dei pochi Stati dell'Unione europea a non avere un Garante nazionale, o, in alternativa, figure di Garanti regionali istituiti in tutte le...
In questo numero di Cittadini in Crescita si analizzano gli aspetti conoscitivi, metodologici e normativi legati al concetto di gioco, oltre alle tipologie di giochi, classici e innovativi. Fra i vari argomenti trattati, si...
La povertà e l'esclusione sociale rappresentano argomenti di grande attualità, che assumono connotazioni specifiche se riferiti al mondo dell'infanzia. Il volume affronta questo tema soffermandosi sulla definizione di...
The National Conference on Childhood and Adolescence was held on 21 and 22 November 2005 in Florence, organised by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and the National Centre for Documentation and Analysis on Childhood and...
Questo numero doppio di Cittadini in crescita per l’anno 2005 è dedicato a due argomenti correlati fra loro: i servizi dedicati agli adolescenti e la partecipazione degli adolescenti.
Il primo numero di Cittadini in crescita per l’anno 2005, pone l’attenzione su due temi di attualità sia per l’Italia che per l’Europa: la tratta di minori e i minori stranieri.
...L’ultimo numero di Cittadini in crescita per l’anno 2004 è dedicato all’approfondimento del tema della violenza all’infanzia, a partire dai Contributi che ne affrontano i diversi aspetti con un taglio complementare....
In questa edizione dei “numeri europei” dell’infanzia e l’adolescenza il Centro Nazionale ha inserito i dati principali riguardanti i nuovi Paesi entrati a far parte dell’Unione europea...
In questo numero troviamo un’analisi della riforma introdotta dalla legge 476/1998 di ratifica della Convenzione de L’Aja del 29 maggio 1993.
Nella sezione Documenti è stato...
The electronic publication was distributed as a companion to the magazine ‘Cittadini in crescita’ 2/2003. It contains the minutes of the second National Conference on Childhood, held in Collodi in November 2002, and was put together by...