The information activity of the National Centre focuses on specific reference services, that represent not only a first information guidance to external users on the functions of and products elaborated by the Centre, but also an internal coordination point for the different stakeholders and operators working together for the implementation of the Centre’s activities. .
In particular, the provided services are:
The promotion activities aim at informing the users on the activity of the National Centre and the Observatory for Childhood and Adolescence, namely at sharing with the users the products of the Centre’s activity of documentation and investigation, through the systematic dissemination of publications, reports, summaries, abstracts, agendas, brochures, etc.
The promotion of the activities of the National Centre also includes the organization and management of information meetings and points concerning the activities and publications of the Centre, and the participation, with experts, in initiatives held throughout the national territory, including the National Conferences on Childhood and the National Conferences on Family.
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The Inkwell and Rainbow - Guidelines for designing and building the Local Plan under Law No. 285/1997 - a working tool aimed at supporting and facilitating the planning process at the local level for the implementation of Law...
The volume Rights and Opportunities for Childhood and Adolescence - Guidelines for the designing of measures provided for by Law No 285/1997 is an instrument to aid in the elaboration of projects eligible for funding under Law...