The topical issues examine specific questions which are relevant to the rights and protection of children, with a study of court rulings of particular relevance to the ongoing debate in each area.
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How to evenly balance the right to emotional stability with the best interests of the child?
The grandparents' right to maintain a relationship with their grandchildren and to support them in...
The right of access of the non-custodial parent
How to protect the best interests of minors in private meetings
The issue addressed in the judgment of 10 November 2021 by the European Court of Human...
The best interests of children: the protection of rights in civil, administrative, and family proceedings
Do the best interests of children always take precedence, even in cross-border disputes?
...The right to access one's own origins. The mother's right to be forgotten prevails over the adoptee's right to know his or her origins.
The biological mother's alleged inability - by reason of her...
Testimony of the child at the preliminary investigation stage. Evidentiary proceedings and forms of protection for children.
What protection is provided for the testimony of children in criminal proceedings...