The report Levels and trends in child mortality 2021 is online on Unicef's website.
The world remains significantly behind in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals to end preventable deaths of infants and children under the age of five, according to estimates by the United Nations Inter-Agency Group on Child Mortality Estimation, reported in the document.
The report reveals that without immediate action more than 50 countries will miss the target on under-five mortality by 2030 and more than 60 countries will miss the target on newborn mortality.
The survey highlights that recent and reliable mortality data on children, adolescents, and young people continue to be unavailable for most countries in the world, particularly for low-income countries, and that the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in additional challenges to improve data availability and quality. Only about 60 mainly high-income countries have a well-functioning civil registration and population statistics system that produces timely and high-quality mortality data.
The publication is available in the dedicated news item.
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