Founding of the new National Observatory on Childhood and Adolescence

2023/07/12 Type of resource: Topics: Titles:
immagine di bambino che gioca con un aquilone per evocare i temi del diritto dei minorenni a essere guidati e sostenuti all’interno della propria famiglia, della tutela della salute mentale degli adolescenti, della cura dei bambini e dei ragazzi fuori dalla famiglia e gli altri argomenti al centro della riunione di insediamento dell’Osservatorio nazionale per l’infanzia e l’adolescenza

On 4 July, the inaugural meeting of the National Observatory on Childhood and Adolescence, reconstituted by decree of the Minister for the Family, Birth Rate and Equal Opportunities, Eugenia Maria Roccella, of 22 May 2023, was held in Rome.

The meeting was held at the Department for Family Policies headquarters.

During the first full session on 4 July, many topics were raised: among them, the right of children to be guided and supported within their own family; the protection of the mental health of adolescents; the care of children and young people outside the family; family fostering; listening to under 18s; the importance of knowledge and information gathering for planning and policy-making.

With a three-year term of office, the Observatory will be engaged in the coming months, among other things, in monitoring the actions included in the 5th National Action and Intervention Plan for the protection of the rights and development of persons of developing age, approved on 21 May 2021 and adopted by Presidential Decree on 25 January 2022.

Other materials and news can be found on this site under the topic National Observatory on Childhood and Adolescence, accessible from the "Topics" navigation menu.