The father plays an active role in the care and education of his children and is a central point of reference in their lives, just like the mother. Father's Day, which falls on 19 March, draws attention to the importance of the father figure and its transformation over time.
To mark the occasion, we would like to point out two initiatives and some in-depth studies on the subject, as well as suggesting a selection of books for younger children on the different aspects of being a father.
On 18 March, the Fare squadra (Teamwork) event will be held in Piacenza. The role of the father and fatherhood in the development of adolescents, first meeting of the Piacenza Parenting School, a project of the Psycho-Pedagogical Centre for Education and Conflict Management. The event – which will take place from 8.45p.m. to 10.45p.m. in the Auditorium of the Piacenza and Vigevano Foundation, in via Sant'Eufemia 12 - will be chaired by Daniele Novara, educator, founder and director of the Centre. The poster is published on the Centre's website, on the dedicated page. On the same site there are some featured articles on the subject: There is a need for the paternal father; Father's Day in the time of the Coronavirus; Dad: a useful ally even in childhood.
On 18 March, the first of two webinars on the role of fatherhood today will be held, organised by the Institute of Psychology of the Pontifical Salesian University in Rome. The event will explore various aspects: from the rule-making family to the affective family; the educational role of the father; the impact of the father's absence on the well-being of children. The second webinar will be held on 25 March. The programme and information on how to take part in the two meetings, entitled With a Father's Heart, are available on the website of the Institute of Psychology of the Pontifical Salesian University, on the dedicated page
Also worth mentioning is the website, full of news, materials and information on the role of the father. Conpapà is an initiative created by a national network that believes in active, non-violent and respectful fatherhood. Promoted in the first instance by The Garden of Fathers network under the European Parent project, it has gained wide support over time both within the institutional context – with the collaboration of the Higher Institute of Health and several local health authorities – and in the world of associations.
In the panorama of recent books for younger children, we suggest Alba, by Daniel Fehr (Orecchio acerbo, 2021), the story of a father and son who get dressed in the silence of the night and set off on a night walk in the woods. Reading age: 4 and above.
Another book to read is Dai papà!, by Matthieu Maudet (Babalibri, 2021). The author both surprises, enchants and brings a knowing smile to all dads, and not only to them, by recounting the everyday life of a father and son. Reading age: from 2 years.
Also worth mentioning is Io e Te, Tu e Io (Me and You, You and Me), written and illustrated by Miguel Tanco (Emme Edizioni, 2021). A tribute to all fathers, to teach them to be children again. Reading age: from 3 years.
Papa and Baba (Emme Edizioni, 2021) is the picture book by Brandon Reese which humorously recounts the love between fathers and sons and the wonderful adventure of growing up. A story about family, love, sleeping, reading, animals. Reading age: from 3 years.
Bacioespresso, by Émile Jadoul (Babalibri, 2018), on the contrary, is dedicated to modern dads who are always in a hurry, and give their children a "Bacioespresso" (Express kiss). Reading age: from 2 years.
Also worth offering to the little ones is I call you Papa, by Daishu Ma and Ran Can (Rizzoli, 2018), the story of a man and a child who meet and decide to travel together. Reading age: from 5 years.
All the books mentioned above can be found in the bibliography compiled by the A. C. Moro Innocenti Library to mark the event, which also contains other titles depicting the different aspects of being a father.
We would also like to highlight the regulatory framework on paternity leave produced by the National Centre for Documentation and Analysis for Children and Adolescents.
Other materials and news can be found on this site under the topics Parenting and Families and Family Relationships, accessible from the "Topics" navigation menu.