Michela Vittoria Brambilla is the new president of the Parliamentary Commission for Childhood and Adolescence, which took office on 25 July.
The Commission – set up by Law 451/1997 and composed of twenty senators and twenty deputies appointed, respectively, by the President of the Senate of the Republic and the President of the Chamber of Deputies in proportion to the number of members of the parliamentary groups, ensuring the presence of one representative for each group – has the task of directing and monitoring the practical implementation of international agreements and legislation relating to the rights and development of persons of developmental age.
According to the provisions of Law 451/1997, the Commission requests information, data and documents on the results of the activities carried out by public administrations and bodies dealing with issues pertaining to the rights or development of persons of developmental age and performs other essential functions: for example, it makes observations and proposals on the effects, limits and possible need for adaptation of the legislation in force, in particular, to ensure its compliance with European Union legislation and with reference to the rights provided for in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and Adolescent; it expresses a mandatory opinion on the Plan of Action and Interventions for the Protection of the Rights and Development of Persons of a Developmental Age.
Other materials and news can be found on this site under the topic, Rights of children and adolescents and Social policies for children and adolescents accessible from the "Topics" navigation menu.