National Day of Child and Adolescent Rights 2020: video

The video was made to celebrate the National Day of Child and Adolescent Rights 2020, as part of the communication campaign curated by the Department for Family Policies.

The institution of the Day, envisaged by the Italian government by law no. 451/1997, is set for November 20 of each year and is aimed at spreading greater knowledge of the values ​​contained in the Convention on the rights of children and adolescents. The Convention, approved by the United Nations General Assembly in 1989, was ratified by the Italian government in 1991.

The video, intended for children, adolescents, adults and families, has as its main objective that of transmitting the values ​​and meaning of the various safeguards that affect minors within contemporary societies. In addition, it intends to amplify the scope of activities related to the government celebrations of the National Day of the Rights of the Child and Adolescent.

Each animated image describes a particular right protected by the Convention: the right to grow up in a family, the right to emotional care, the right to receive dedicated services, the right to education, play and free time, the right to health, right to education, the right to cultural activities and the right to participation.