Growing citizens 4/10

The editorial of this issue, titled Una comunità che educa (An educating community), was written by Pierpaolo Triani, Associate Professor of General Didactics at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Piacenza and member of the National Observatory on Childhood and Adolescence.

The analysis articles in this issue of Cittadini in crescita are the following: I diritti dell'infanzia nell'ordinamento costituzionale e internazionale (Children’s rights in constitutional and international legislation) by Andrea Giorgis, La mediazione per ricostruire i legami familiari (Mediation to re-build family relations) by Anna Coppola de Vanna and La condizione economica dei minorenni in Italia (The economic condition of minors in Italy) by Andrea Brandolini.

The first interview was made with the former president of the Constitutional Court Gustavo Zagrebelsky and it focuses on the mildness of law in proceedings involving families and children; the second interview is with the cartoonist Francesco Tullio-Altan, creator of the fictional character called Pimpa. Other articles focus on initiatives and projects carried out in several fields, as well as on important events, such as the international conference “Child in the City”, held in Florence from 27 to 29 October 2010, and the Second National Conference on the Family which took place in Milan. The issue ends with the legislative overview written by Tessa Onida.

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