The National Project for the inclusion and integration of Roma, Sinti and Caminanti children is promoted by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies in the framework of the actions of the 2014-2020 “Inclusion” PON (NOP – National Operational Programme) and is carried out in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, University and Research, the Ministry of Health and the Istituto degli Innocenti. The project is carried out in the main Italian metropolitan Cities that actively participate in the implementation of the initiative, namely Bari, Bologna, Catania, Florence, Genoa, Messina, Milan, Naples, Palermo, Reggio Calabria, Rome, Turin and Venice.
The PON project continues the Pilot project for the inclusion and integration of Roma, Sinti and Caminanti children (RSC), which started in 2013 with the 13 Cities receiving a reserved share of the fund under Law No. 285/1997). For the new programming within the framework of the Inclusion PON, the involvement of 81 schools, 266 classes and 600 RSC target pupils is envisaged.
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