Children and online pornography

cover del Percorso tematico su Minori di età e pornografia in rete. Supplemento RB 2/22

The supplement to the 2/2022 issue of the Bibliographic Review consists of a reading path entitled L'impatto della pornografia online sulle persone di minore età tra mito e realtà (virtuale) (The impact of online pornography on children between myth and (virtual) reality) by Ester di Napoli – lawyer, PhD in international law, specialising in EU private international law and an expert on the rights of children, she works with the Istituto degli Innocenti as a National Ombudsperson for Children – and the filmographic path A occhio nudo: bambini e ragazzi tra seduzioni e insidie della pornografia online (In the naked eye: Children and young people between the seductions and pitfalls of online pornography) by Silvia Nugara – film critic and PhD in language science and gender studies.



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