Bibliographic review on childhood and adolescence 2/11 - Adolescents and addictions

The topic addressed in the bibliographic review of this issue is adolescents and addictions.

How can substance dependence be defined? What are the “new”drugs used by today’s adolescents and youth? What are the reasons which lead to their consumption? These are some of the questions addressed in the article written by Patrizia Meringolo, Full Professor of Community Psychology at the University of Florence. Finally, the article describes all the legislative steps taken to contain the phenomenon from the Fifties up to now.

The filmography review, written by Fabrizio Colamartino, presents the films which have told stories linked to drug consumption by adolescents and youth in a chronological order. In doing so, the article shows the evolution of the cultural reaction of society to the complex and delicate issue of drug addiction.

Also this issue contains a lot of reading recommendations, which are ordered according to a specific classification system: the texts have been selected among the main Italian and international publications and the grey literature produced by institutions such as Regions, Provinces and Municipalities. 

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