Report on Monitoring of the family policies implemented by Municipalities updated to 31/08/2019

copertina del Rapporto di monitoraggio sulle politiche per la famiglia dei Comuni al 31/08/2019

This is a survey activity promoted by the Department for Family Policies in collaboration with the Istituto degli Innocenti of Florence and ANCI -and concerning the projects implemented by Municipalities to meet the needs of families and children. The monitoring activity is aimed at  better understanding the types of adopted actions.

This third edition reports, for the year 2019, the update of the recognition of the good practices that the Municipalities have implemented within the offer of services and interventions in the field of family policies, and financed by national funds disbursed by the Department to Regions under the Agreement 103/CU of 2014, Agreement 81/CU of 2015, Agreement 80/CU of 2016, Agreement 69/CU of 2017, Agreements 110/CU of 2018 and other funds of a community, national, regional and municipal level.