2021/08/30 Type of resource National law Topics Family policies and social plans Covid-19 pandemic Titles Focus areas Activities Legal review
copertina del Focus giuridico sul PNRR

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan: an in-depth look at the measures planned within the framework of policies for childhood, adolescence and families

In 2020, the EU provided an unprecedented response to the economic crisis caused by the Covid -19 pandemic, both in the short term, with the suspension of the Stability Pact and substantial economic support packages adopted by individual Member States, and in the long term, notably with the Next Generation EU programme.

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) - submitted to the European Commission by Italy on 30 April 2021 and approved by a Decision of the Council of the European Union on 13 July 2021 - has a duration of six years (2021 - 2026) and outlines a series of reforms and investments to access the financial resources made available by the European Union.

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