Declaration of adoptability, assessment of the parental role and functions

Dichiarazione di adottabilità di un minorenne

Declaration of the adoptability of a child by a domestic court on the grounds that the mother was unable to exercise her parental responsibilities.

In specialised courts, composed of professional and non-professional magistrates, for the purpose of deciding on a child's adoptability status and assessing parental role and functions, should preference be given to a system in which the judge uses expert advice?

Adoption is an institution that has been present in the Italian legal system since 1967 and makes it possible to address a situation of abandonment of a child by placing him or her – permanently – in a family unit other than the original one in order to provide for his or her care, education and upbringing. A fundamental prerequisite for adoption is that the person under the age of 18 has been declared adoptable in accordance with Article 7 of Law No. 184 of 4 May 1983, concerning the Regulation of Adoption and Fostering of Children...


Attached is an insight into case law on the Declaration of the adoptability...