Communication campaign service 114
"Come out of the dark. Ask for help", is the slogan of the communication campaign aimed at raising awareness of the public utility service "114 - Child Emergency", promoted by the Department of Family Policies and carried out with the technical support of the Istituto degli Innocenti in Florence.
The 2021 campaign is the second edition of the Service 114 promotional campaign, but for the first time the advertising has been designed to be aired exclusively on the Internet, giving priority to social channels, aimed at reaching, in a targeted and widespread manner, the adolescent target identified as the main audience of the campaign.
The campaign aims to inform young people and make them more aware of the resources at their disposal to ask for help in case of abuse and distress.
The "114 - Child Emergency" is a free, 24-hour service that offers real-time, multilingual listening services and can be reached not only by phone, but also through chat, the 114 app and now also through the WhatsApp number 348 798 7845.