Notebook 66 - Children and young people outside the family

copertina del Quaderni del Centro n.66 su Bambini e ragazzi fuori famiglia

The report Bambini e ragazzi in accoglienza in Italia (Children and adolescents in care in Italy), produced by Istituto degli Innocenti and published in issue 66 of the Notebooks of the National Centre, presents the results of the sample survey on the reception of children and young people in family foster care and in residential services for minors promoted by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies during 2017 (data refer to 31 December 2016).

According to the report, at the end of 2016, 26,615 children and young people in foster care and residential services in Italy (excluding unaccompanied foreign minors) were in care. At the end of 2016, 14,012 children and young people between the ages of zero and 17 were in foster care, while those in residential care were 12,603. The report shows a substantial stability in recent years of the reception in foster care and residential services for minors.


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