For an inclusive school: thematic path

The thematic path, from the supplement to Rassegna bibliografica 3/2017, deals with the theme of inclusion in education. As Maurizio Parente, pedagogue and author of the reading path writes, inclusive education implies thinking about a society without exclusivity or exclusions and an educational system able to welcome all children and remove any form of discrimination in the formal education path, favouring their learning and full development together with their peers.

In tracing a filmographic path on the theme of school integration and inclusion of diversity, Anna Antonini, a film scholar, identifies three dominant narrative lines through which film language has dealt with the subject: 1) the point of view of the adult, whether teacher, educator or parent; 2) the gaze of minors, their relationships with their peers or with the people who take care of them; 3) the transposition into images of the biography of personalities who have dedicated their lives to pedagogy, such as Don Milani, Maria Montessori, Don Sardelli.

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