Notebook 53 - Projects in 2010

copertina del Quaderno 53 - Relazione sullo stato di attuazione della L. 285 anno 2010

This Notebook contains the Report to Parliament on the state of implementation of Law 285/1997 for the year 2010, which provides a broad and articulated picture of the comparison and coordination activities between the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies and the fifteen riservatarie cities, which have been substantiated in a number of initiatives such as the P.I.P.I. programme and the S.In.Ba. information system, which are described in the first chapter of the Report.

In the first part, The network and the territories, the network initiatives and the activities of the technical coordination table between the Ministry and the riservatarie cities are illustrated, focusing on the first map of context and well-being indicators for children and adolescents in the 15 cities drawn up by the statisticians of the National Centre and presented. In Part II. Thematic in-depth studies in the 285 projects, some areas of interest are explored such as the promotion of play and the right to play, the fight against school leaving and the risk of social exclusion, the support of parenting in the first years of a child's life and family foster care.

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